Italian Heritage        Scholarships        Events

The 2025 Scholarship Applications
process is closed
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Pueblo, Colorado USA       |      719-671-0205     |

Discover Your Italian Heritage

Experience the richness of Italian heritage through our cultural events and celebrations.
From festiva;ls to concerts, our efvents showcase the best of Italian art, music, culture and cuisine

* Italian themed dinners

* Special Entertainment and Speakers

* Discussion of Italian HIstory, Arts, Music, Education and more...

Pueblo, Colorado
Dedicated 1905
117 West 4th Street ( see map) | Pueblo, Colorado  81003  telephone: 719-671-0205
Connect with us on or directly via

Pay Lodge Dues
The Columbus Monument and Piazza in Pueblo, Colorado, is the first and now last remaining Columbus Monument west of the Missisppi.

It is National Historical Registered Monument and was gifted to the City of Pueblo in 1905 by the immigrant community made up of a large Italian contingent and immigrants from Europe, South America, and Asia; and remains a symbol of thanks and respect for being able to be a part of the United States of America.

The Monument was paid for in cash, at a cost of $10,000, and took the organizers nearly 10 years to collect and save that amount from the citizenry, which is equivalent to more the $290,000 in today's dollars!

The City of Pueblo maintains the grounds and street rights-of-way for the Monument, and the initial charter for the Sons of Italy Lodge No: 2738 included a commitment to protect the Monument Piazza for the enjoyment of all.

The stone work for the Monument was performed by Italian stone masons and the bust was cast as one piece in Bronze and it is heavy!

See more street level views on Google Maps by entering the location 100 E. Abriendo, Pueblo, Colorado 81004.

Donate to Colorado Italian American Foundation

Your tax deductible donation helps preserve Italian Heritage and Culture and fight against the machinations of Critical Race Theory and Cancel Culture -

Your Donation is incredibly Important!

Upcoming Events

please contact our office for latest event information: 719-671-0205 or

We are more determined than ever to stop the descreation of American values and symbols of our History!
Lodge Meetings - 2nd Thursday each Month
Bring a friend, we'll be discussing how to combat CANCEL CULTURE agenda among many others!
6:00 PM Social Gathering
you remember what that is, right?
We'll enjoy a light Dinner, then meeting at 7:00 PM


Christopher Columbus - the rest of the story - if you are brave enough... learn about the Truth in context, regarding assertions alleged against Columbus for the past thirty years based upon FALSE and out of context from a poorly  researched book by Howard Zinn.

The book has been the subject of serious debunking by Mary Grabar and others who actually use historical data WITH CONTEXT.  If you have the guts to watch the video to the END, it be be impossible for you or anyone else to continue further assertions and LIES against Columbus. Regardless of where you reside --

EXTRAORDINARY misinformation about Columbus has been created and continues to be fostered by out of context remarks and poorly translated historical records.

Premeditated libel and slander are actively being used
one of the world's greatest navigators - it is a tactic taken directly from Sol Alinski's book "Rules for Radicals". Thus if you do not who your enemy is you are doomed to defeat.


Tour of Sicily
Laugh Break

(c) OSIA Lodge 2738 | Pueblo, Colorado