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Meet our 2017 Lodge Presdident and Board Members for 2017

I write to you today humbled by the opportunity to lead the Sons of Italy  Lodge #2738,  grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the responsibilities required of me to take up the torch.

My goals as President, are to make our Community aware of the Order Sons of Italy by becoming a positive presence here on Pueblo, Colorado and surrounding areas, to increase our membership and remind everyone to keep our heritage alive. I  look forward to working very closely with our new elected officers, committees,  and the membership in keeping this commitment.  

                                    Fraternally yours,

                                    Gino Carleo

New Board Members
L to R: John Musso, Albert Spinuzzi, Louie Carleo, Mike Marino, Mike Langiulli, John Panepinto, Gino Carleo, Lance Allen, David
Gohn, Alvin Buffalo, Sam Pisciotta, John Obrin, Preston Buffalo, Biff Gettel, Kurt Madic. Front Row: Norm Williams, John Amidie.
Not Pictured: Justin Buffalo, Dominic Gallina, Bob Cancellieri, Charlie Montera, Jack Everhart.




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